The Yellow Mask & Sister Rose. Volume 13 Wilkie Collins

The Yellow Mask & Sister Rose. Volume 13 - Wilkie Collins
Автор: Коллинз Уильям Уилки
Редактор: Головлева Н.
Издательство: Т8, 2018 г.
Серия: The Complete Works of
Редактор-составитель: Лубичев Бронислав Харлампович
Дизайн: Шокун Руслан Жанович
Оформитель: Подвязкин Марк Емельянович
Объем: 345
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Описание "The Yellow Mask & Sister Rose. Volume 13"
Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. The Yellow Mask is a complete mystery novel. The secret of Wilkie Collins's success is the combination of various genres: the writer-master of intrigue and fascinating plot skillfully combines melodrama, detective and a manners novel in his books, generously flavoring them elements of the Gothic novel. Sister Rose is Set against the background of the French Revolution and concerns Louis Trudaine; his sister, Rose, who contracts an unhappy marriage to the aristocratic Charles Danville; and Danville's land-steward, Lomaque, who is indebted to Trudaine's father. Trudaine fulfils a deathbed promise to his mother to protect Rose and arouses Danville's animosity. Скачать электронную книгу The Yellow Mask & Sister Rose. Volume 13 Wilkie Collins.

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